Abdominal TB is a serious disease caused primarily by TB bacteria. It is also called abdominal tuberculosis and can affect the intestines, abdominal membrane, liver and sometimes the urinary system. Let's know all about abdominal TB on World Tuberculosis Day.
TB is a serious and fatal disease. If this disease is not treated on time, the patient may even die. TB disease can affect not only the lungs but also other parts of the body. It is called extra pulmonary TB, which occurs in other organs apart from the lungs. Do you know that TB can also occur in the stomach? Yes, stomach TB is also called gastrointestinal tuberculosis. This TB occurs in the peritoneum and lymph of the stomach. This TB is related to the digestive system, which can also be caused by bacteria present in cow's milk. According to health experts, this TB of the stomach and intestines is also quite active in the country. World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated every year on March 24, i.e. today. On this occasion, know what is the cause of stomach TB.
What do experts say?
Kolkata based gastroenterology surgeon Dr. Sanjay Mandal explains that if intestinal TB is not treated on time, it can lead to blockage and abscesses. Fistula is also a cause of abdominal TB. Fistula is an unwanted connection between two organs which are related to the rectum and anus.
What causes abdominal TB?
The main cause of abdominal TB is Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. This bacteria spreads through air, when a person is infected with TB, the bacteria come into the air due to his cough or sneeze and a healthy person takes them inside the body through the respiratory tract. In abdominal TB, this bacteria can cause infection in the intestines, liver or other organs of the stomach. The most common cause of abdominal TB is the spread of lung TB infection to the intestines.
Symptoms of Abdominal TB
The signs of abdominal TB by Shifa Hospital are as follows:-
Feeling pain in different parts of the abdomen.
Having a sudden weight loss problem.
A lack of appetite may also be felt due to abdominal TB.
There may be problems like gas, cramps, or diarrhea in the stomach.
Mild fever or night sweats.
TB may cause abdominal cramps and vomiting.
Sometimes blood may also appear in the stool.
How will abdominal TB be treated?
If you notice symptoms of lung or abdominal TB, contact the doctor immediately.
The doctor can detect pain and swelling by examining the abdomen.
Make sure to get a blood test done, Mantoux Test or T-Spot TB Test for TB testing.
Apart from this, X-ray, CT scan and abdominal ultrasound should also be done. Also get a biopsy done.
Abdominal TB is treated with anti-TB medicines. This treatment is long and continuous, approximately between 6 months to 1 year. Failure to treat can make the disease more severe, so take medicines regularly and on time.
Measures to prevent stomach TB
Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing and make it a habit to wash your hands.
Get your children vaccinated with BCG.
Consume a balanced diet, which strengthens the immune system and increases the ability to fight TB.
Keep a distance from places where there are TB patients and ensure their treatment.
Avoid smoking and alcohol, both of these things weaken the body's immunity.
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